Then on Sunday, Mitch baked me my favorite chocolate cake recipe ever: Perfectly Chocolate Hershey's Cake. It was perfectly chocolately, but it wasn't too cakey. Turns out, baking in a toaster oven doesn't produce the same results as you would expect from a regular oven.
Despite what it looks like, I had actually been awake for several hours in this photo. Ha! I guess I just hadn't looked in the mirror.
On Monday, I got a strange looking package from my co-workers guessed that it was a nice painting, but I assured them that it was probably just shaped like that because Mom and Will had duck taped a recycled box together....
Looks like we were both right! The box was made from random pieces of boxes and duck tape, but it had a painting inside!....along with other surprises. Ha! Mom's bag lady habits came in handy! What an awesome display of gifts...they were all super glued, hot glued or taped to the board. Candy, snacks, a Texas Rangers baseball cap from Gavin, some new pants, my sister's regional track video and one act play video, sunglasses, and letters...
A double layered gift. Under all the goodies was a painting my mom made for me. :)
Believe it or not, this was the first of Cordia's birthdays that we have been able to spend together since we met.
May 24, 2006 - Mitch is taking summer classes in College Station, TX, and Cordia is on a vacation to Oregon
May 24, 2007 - Cordia is at home in Sunray, TX, and Mitch is studying abroad in Australia
May 24, 2008 - Cordia is at home again, and Mitch is at the Grand Canyon
May 24, 2009 - Cordia and Mitch are together, in their cozy little apartment in Daegu, South Korea.
I'm very happy that Cordia and I were able to spend this one together finally. I hadn't realized how special celebrating the birthday of the one you love, actually in the presence of that one, is. Given all my adventurous excuses for missing her previous birthdays, I'll say that this was my most favorite May 24 in all my life.